Become an Advanced Mi'raj Energy Healer
Welcome to Miraj Healing Level 4 - with Master Healer Khaled Waleed - an internationally renowned trainer in Energy Medicine.
Khalid is a master healer, intuitive coach, teacher, entrepreneur, and traveler. He is the founder of Miraj Healing.
He draws inspiration from the teachings of Sufi Teachers such as Rumi, Ibn Arabi, Hafez, Abu Hasan Al Shazili, and Sh. Nazim El Haqqani.
Sufism brings a culmination of Abrahamic wisdom and delivers it into a set of daily practices that include prayer, meditation, energy healing, chanting, whirling, and readings.
He has also studied various western and eastern healing techniques that have allowed him to benefit many people suffering from different ailments.
His approach is multi-dimensional and focuses on a holistic ascension of consciousness that can transform the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Khalid's clients find his perceptive and intense insights a welcoming and healing influence in themselves.

In this online course you will learn
In this 2 day Sufi Healing course, we learn how to treat protect ourselves from harmful energies, and mental and emotional diseases. We understand the energetic dimension of crystals.
You will need to have completed:
Mi'raj Healing Level 1, 2
The Cosmic Heart & Mind Programs
to be eligible for this awesome course.

Soul Anatomy
Learning about the anatomy of the soul, aura, energy meridians, Latifas, etc

Quran & Sunnah
Energetic Understanding of the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and other Abrahamic Faiths.

Energy Secrets of Mental Health
Understanding the secrets of Mental Health Energy Medicine.

Paint with the Colors of the Wind
Obtaining an understanding of healing with color energies.

Elemental Healing
Healing with the 5 elements, Earth, Water, Air, Fire

Clear Energy Centres
How to clear blockages from Energy Centres (Chakras).

Boosting Immunity
Ability to boost the immune system that helps ward off against diseases.

Increase Prosperity
Learn how to remove prosperity blockages.

Improve Prayer
Gaining greater confidence and focus on Salah (prayer) and meditation.

Manage Stress
How to reduce stress energetically.

Optimize Organ Functionality
The relationship between internal organs and the five elements.

Positive Psychology
What are the psychological benefits of practicing Zikr (remembrance of God) with energetic awareness.

Clear Blockages
Obtaining insight into emotional, mental, and spiritual blockages.

Alleviate Pain
Ability to treat and alleviate physical pain and other maladies.

Understanding how our thoughts and emotions impact our day to day life.

Deeper Relationships
Obtaining a deeper understanding of relationships.

Develop your Intuition
How to see & feel Energy.
Mi'raj Healing Level 4
Hours: 10 am to 6 pm London UK time on Saturday 26 - 03 - 2022 AND Sunday 27 - 03 - 2022
RegisterKey benefits from applying the teachings of this course
- Reducing stress, anxiety, anger, and depression.
- Increasing creativity, intelligence, and focus.
- Increasing the ability to learn and improve Memory.
- Increase feelings of Vitality and renewal.
- Increased emotional control.
- Improved self-esteem.
- Improved relationships.
- Strengthening the immune system.
- Reducing cholesterol levels.
- Improving breathing.
- Increasing facial vitality.
- Reducing symptoms of osteoporosis.
- Strengthening internal organs.
- Strengthening and maintaining senses.
- Reducing symptoms of aging.
- Strengthening general activity.
- Preserving and strengthening sexual ability in both sexes.
- Reducing hair loss.
- Reducing arthritis.
- Regulating sleep.
- Maintaining vitality, health, and beauty of the body over a long period by regulating the flow of energy in the body, by God’s permission.
What is Mi'raj Healing?
What does Mi'raj mean?
What is Sufi Spirituality?
What is the connecton of Sufism to other spiritualities & religions?
How does energy therapy benefit me?
What is M'raj Energy Healing?
Why is this 2 day course so long?
Mi'raj Healing Level 4
Hours: 10 am to 6 pm UK time on Saturday 19 - 03 - 2022 AND Sunday 20 - 03 - 2022
Click on the button below and book your spot.
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When your class is about to start, simply click on the zoom link
You’ll see us smiling right at you!
For any questions on our online live video classes, please contact us at [email protected]
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